The OEM LCI is indeed a feed/function compromise,on top of being fhuqking STUPID to boot. VQ do it,though I prefer TK and there's a goodly herd of same,running around in these parts. Hint.

'Tis a great time to circumvent the fhuqking STUPID mag safety too and I personally am a fan of Flatty Triggers. Hint.

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A coupla TK's and a VQ fire control system here. Hint.

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I literally trust my LIFE to mine and when sipping from OEM mags,it runs like a Singer Sewing Machine,with a broad spectrum of fodder. Mine is more often wet than dry and it could give a flying fhuqk less...though dust is "scary",in some circles. I've killed more schit than SmallPox with it and it's my ALL Time Favorite Bear Pistole. Few could begin to fhuqking fathom the magnitude. Hint.

CT has no equal and rates a thunk. The HollieSin's are just fhuqking SENSATIONAL. Hint.

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Do it and NEVER fhuqking look back.............

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."