Yep , long as you don’t get stupid about it they usually won’t .
But there is always a Barney in there somewheres .
We were letting off a bunch one night and the cops came , stood over to the side and watched till we finished . Then walked into our midst and told us it was a great display and asked if we were done . Yep we’re done and he looked at the other officer and said looks like we got here to late , nothing left to confiscate , smiled and pointed at a house and said some people hate to see someone have fun .
Went on their way .
But sometimes they will pop you for it , was a fellow that sold all kinds of stuff that was an illegal misdemeanor in Va but for some reason they honed on to him and busted his ass almost every year .
Same town there was a retired trooper who owned a mom and pops convienence store was butt deep in the same thing and never got hassled .
Guess that connects the dots huh ?