Perhaps the Democrat leadership is breathing a sigh of relief. For decades, many of them who could think beyond their gonads, have pondered the bad law and decision it was and that conservative judges wrote of. Roe vs Wade was a ‘72 decision, long simmering, awaiting a conservative court they knew would eventually come.

Fast forward to Biden’s free-fall administration, Key-stone cops imitation of two and a half years now, with almost every objective social and economic indicator showing significant decline. Biden himself, long a corrupt, incompetent politician, now has become a point of derision even among many Democrats. The so-called November “red wave” was imminent.

The Democrats, some four months away from the midterms needed a drastic side-attraction, a diversion. This week their Christmas came with SCOTUS’s two decisions — the NYC gun decision and over-turning Roe vs Wade. These two decisions will have two effects. It’s doesn’t matter that those weeping in the streets are wholly ignorant of what these two decisions actually mean, 1) they will be used to gin up the vitriol, energize the troops, and become the twisted campaign fodder of the midterms. And 2), they will take the spotlight off blundering Joe Biden which will be a relief.