
There is iron in your words.

I agree that the first century approach to advancing the gospel modeled by Jesus and His apostles is very different from what we see today.

People do all sorts of despicable things “in the name of” whatever. But just because someone says they do this or that “in the name of” God or whatever, it clearly doesn’t mean that their actions truly have anything whatsoever to do with that or those entities.

Jesus’ New Covenant is simple. But as you point out it is quite difficult to love others as Jesus loves us; especially when those ‘others’ are difficult to love.

And I also agree wholeheartedly with your last point. Some think that the real Jesus can ‘only’ be revealed and authenticated by what’s found in scripture. I’m not one of em’. Jesus clearly said that He had many more things to say to His followers, and that He would send the Holy Spirit to guide His followers “into all the truth.”

I appreciate your comments and contributions to this discussion.

And you have a good evening as well.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.