Originally Posted by lvmiker
Originally Posted by deflave
While I commend the YouTuber that put those piles of dog schit videos together, it's important that an aspiring handgunner recognize the lack of logic on display here.

If you are wondering how fast you can shoot an object moving straight on, that is covering 10-15 yards in one second, it would make sense to hang a standard USPSA target at 25yds, another at 10yds, and one more at 1yd.

Par for three hits in the A-Zone (CNS) would be around two seconds. All those interested in testing their skills would be able to do so sans snowmobiles, drunk uncles, miniature train sets, pulley systems, etc.

You're welcome,

PS- Butt Fugk Burns doesn't train anyone to do anything. He's a fraud.

That is a good drill, done in reverse it is great for SD shooting. Line the targets up directly behind each other and have the shooter start from directly in front of the near target and move so that the other targets do not get hit to add spice/reality.

If you can do the drill you describe in 2 seconds from the holster you are my herogrin

mike r

I've no reason to train for bear charges (although my family and I did frequent grizz heavy country each summer for ten years) but if one is inclined to do so they would have to factor that a bear conservatively moves at 25mph which would roughly equate to 12-15yds per second.

So I think the drill I prescribed makes sense especially when you consider the fact that you're gettin' reps and the likelihood of a human being charging your ass is 100X's more likely than a bear. And the drill remains applicable.

Or you could be Butt Fugk Burns and just shoot rocks at 300yds all day. LOL

Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house