Got out this weekend and gave the home made caps a try. They work, and work quite well. I shot a couple dozen rounds with black and pyrodex. I did have one fail to fire but I believe that was my fault. The cap that did not go was kind of smashed and I stuffed it on the nipple and twisted it a bit to seat it. The twisting removed the priming compound from the cap when I inspected it after it did not go off. After that I was careful to just push them straight down on the nipple and had no issues.

Bottom line, they work and work well. If I had a choice between CCI No. 11 caps and these, well I'd use CCI's. But, being how there are not commercial caps to be found, this works.

If you are the type that ties your own flys or fletch your own arrows, etc. then this is no big deal and kind of adds to shooting muzzleloaders. If your the type that likes everything neat and tidy and pre-made, then this is probably not for you.

A true sportsman counts his achievements in proportion to the effort involved and fairness of the sport. - S. Pope