Originally Posted by GregW
This is a very embarrasing post. Uncomfortably embarrasing...

I musta missed something.

I don’t GAS if I get it, haven’t spent my life avoiding diseases, heck I even worked part time two years in a Mission Hospital in Africa where pretty much every communicable disease still going around was going around. Didn’t wear a mask tho.

Two people known to me personally died from this Covid crap, three if we count a member here. Others have reported long-term effects.

It ain’t about me, a mask might reduce communicability somewhat? OK, a fuggin mask in stores it is <“shrug”>

(Uh oh, the dreaded ‘Fire ridicule eek )

What worries me about this whole deal tho, OK, this engineered virus got loose accidentally from Wuhan, but now that it IS out, the Chicoms could potentially keep releasing variants to screw with the rest of us.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744