Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
All I know is that it is cast.

Top of the morning to you my cyber friend, I hope you and your fine family are well and you're getting decent weather for crops.

When we were into horses I went down a wee bit of a rabbit hole with anvils.

As well the Quebecois farrier who did the hot shoeing for our horses was into it so we'd learn together.

You're correct in that James Jr's is cast by the way the logo and year protrude outwards and is somewhat ornate or better said complicated. At least the base where that is has been cast for sure.

The one wabigoon has is more likely forged and the letters put in with letter punches and we can see the difference.

This guy is fairly easy to listen to and I believe he knows his stuff.

All the best to you all Jim.


Edit to add;

This guy had a lot of useful info on making a shop anvil quieter. Just in case that's useful for anyone out there this morning.

Last edited by BC30cal; 06/30/22. Reason: added another video

The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"