Originally Posted by 260Remguy
One of the problems with DeHaas' books on bolt action rifles is that he wrote chapters on rifles that he'd only seen a limited number of and apparently didn't look at the factory literature to confirm if the rifles that he was able to handle were factory spec. His chapters on the Savage 1920 and Newton have numerous errors in them, others likely do too.

I don't know why Tradewinds kept the same model name, H-5000, for both their Husqvarna imports and at least some of their Krico imports. It seems unnecessary and confusing, but they must have had a reason. Maybe they didn't want to pay for a new roll stamp. Maybe they thought that their customer base wouldn't notice the difference.
I'm guessing the latter: 40% of folks would just assume the same and keep buying. It's why Rem kept all their cheap stuff as a 700-something (770, 783)... Some people assumed they were just variants of the real deal.