Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
Originally Posted by JTrapper73
My chiropractor is from Denmark. He’s a dandy guy.
He hates socialism, hates democrats and liberals in general. Absolutely loves America.
He said Denmark took on thousands of Somali refugees in the late 70’s, early 80’s. He said the effects have been devastating.
He will be quick to tell you that liberalism has all but destroyed his country and will destroy ours to if Americans don’t wake up.

Denmark has been one of the smartest and most independent if the European Union for a number of years. They took in a number of
Muzzy refugees, saw the problems, and put a hard stop to it.

They do have socialistic laws. But not as bad as many think.
Gun control is pretty much a given in Europe.

Many think we aren't socialist.
Look around and open your eyes.
If you are taxed to provide for The Greater Good, its socialist.

How many old farts here will unapologetically admit that the
favorite thing of old people is Socialist?

SOCIAL Security.

They won't.
We will hear how they paid and are owed.

Still socialist!
I think most would be fine with .Gov giving them back exactly what they were FORCED to pay in (with interest) and calling it good. I know I would.

And I'm not even an "Old Fart"