Originally Posted by JTrapper73
My chiropractor is from Denmark. He’s a dandy guy.
He hates socialism, hates democrats and liberals in general. Absolutely loves America.
He said Denmark took on thousands of Somali refugees in the late 70’s, early 80’s. He said the effects have been devastating.
He will be quick to tell you that liberalism has all but destroyed his country and will destroy ours to if Americans don’t wake up.

We had an exchange student from Denmark for the school year 2 years ago. Had a blast having him here. He really got short changed by covid as things shut down. He sure liked to shoot. His family is coming to visit later this month...he asked if they could all shoot while they are here.

We learned a lot about Denmark from him. The prison system is like vacation. Very nice private rooms, tv, video games, etc. It's not a punishment.