My Dad was a beagle man when I was a kid. I can remember rabbit hunting and jumping coveys of quail and trying kill them. I knew I’d have bird dog when I got older.

As soon as I could I started buying good blooded English Pointers(I know they dropped using the English but they will always be English pointers to me).

Sometimes we’d go days and never bump a covey. Then I quit buying replacement puppies when my dogs got older. Then my last two bird dogs died about six weeks apart. I told my wife I was done hunting something that was like hunting Bigfoot.

That lasted five or six years. I said I was tired of not having anything to do in the winter. So I done it. I bought another English pointer puppy. That puppy is now about a year old and I have a five week old puppy on the way in a couple more weeks.

The few quail that remain I’ll chase with my 28 gauges. I just can’t give it up though I know I should.