This is actually a pertinent question.

The cancer and chemo have reduced the potential options. Under the best circumstances, this would have been a busy year. I'm now officially retired. There have been all sorts of things waiting on that blessed event. However, I doubt I'll get to most of them this year.

My main goal in life is to be in my stand on the 11/12 Opener. That is still doable. However, I've got a shrinking window. My last round of chemo has been postponed. Originally, I'd planned on being done by Aug 1. That is going to slip.

First off, I've got to consider armament. I had all sorts of projects last year. I got a big buck on the Opener, and then the deer pulled a disappearing act. If I just go back and arm myself with the same choices as last year and work on no new loads, I'll be fine. I can run a few rounds through a few guns to test for function and be done.

I've also got gear considerations. The gear has not changed, but I have. I ended last year at 310 lbs. I'll start this season in no more than the 270s, and perhaps a bit lighter. That's a lot. Everything from my underwear out will need to be tested. My guess is my outermost layers are going to be baggy, but serviceable.

Normally, I'd have reduced last year's venison to nothing by now. I've hardly touched it, due to my illness keeping me from cooking. I'll have to figure out how to reduce what's in the freezer before fall. I may sidestep the whole thing and just buy a 2nd freezer.

Perhaps my biggest hurdle will be stamina. My Opening Day stand is on the back of the property. I've got a 1/2 mile trek, and I usually do that with a rifle and a duffle bag on my back. Right now, I'm gassed getting from the recliner to the bathroom and back. As soon as the oncologist cuts me loose, I've got my work cut out for me.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer