For those who see Christianity as a crutch for fools or
Originally Posted by Willto
God’s ultimate answer to all the sin and evil in the world was to come in the flesh and live a sunless life and be crucified for it.

Why would God set a system up that required such a thing in the first place? Seems rather stupid for someone else to have to suffer for another persons sins. Not to mention unfair. And since I wasn't even born at this time no one could have possibly died for a damn thing that I did. And spare me all that horse pucky about original sin. I was raised in a Church of God community. I am well aware of the brainwashed dogma. It makes no sense however to a rational mind.
I also would like to know the alternative for the "rational mind".
For an outdoors forum, I'll submit this:
To look at the oceans, mountains, humans, birds,fish and amazing animals and so on and on and on, and then to say that it all just came together without an intelligent, all powerful creator doesn't make sense to my rational mind.
That would be like walking into a room and seeing the most amazing Lego creation you've ever seen and believing that the Lego box fell off a shelf and just landed that way. I' just can't buy it.

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- Wabi-