There's a book out on classic fiberglass fly rods call "14 Sticks of Glass" that's a good read. I just sold a used copy of it, so I don't have it around to check the author, but you should be able to find one by title.

Once I found fiberglass, I quit looking for a new and miraculous material--it's cheap, durable, and works well enough for me. I've had my three fly rods for many decades now and the only thing they've needed is some new guides and some new cork. Never busted one or put a "set" in one yet. Before my first 'glass "Eagle Claw," I was using a "True Temper" telescopic steel/copper rod, so 'glass WAS the miracle! Never could afford split bamboo; probably still can't--at least not "Made in USA."

Last edited by Mesa; 07/24/22.

Was Mike Armstrong. Got logged off; couldn't log back on. RE-registered my old call sign, Mesa.
FNG. Again.
Mike Armstrong