Originally Posted by Dutch
Originally Posted by Oldelkhunter
Originally Posted by Dutch
Originally Posted by Oldelkhunter
Look at their P/E RATIO compared to other auto manufacturers. Talk about a Bubble.

What is the appropriate P/E for a company with a 10 year track record of 60% revenue growth or more?

No idea. I guess it depends on what future earnings might be. Musk was talking layoffs a few short weeks ago because of an economic downturn. They also have much more competition then when they first started.

Exactly. You have no idea.

As far as Tesla struggling.... Tesla exceeded the one million cars per year "run rate" late last year. The numbers from last quarter show that they will beat a 2 million car a year "run rate" within a few months. They are ramping up both the Austin and Berlin factories this year, and are scouting for another factory "somewhere in North America" (rumors are rampant, my bet is Mexico).

Is there more competition, really, than before? Is Ford, or Volkswagen, going to make more cars than they made before? Or are they just going to make different cars. Does ANYONE believe that VW, GM, TOY or Stella is going to double their total sales in the next 5 or even 10 years? So, where is this "new" competition going to come from? Rivian? Fiskar? Geely? Nio?

Tesla will double again in 18 months. And that's just counting cars, not energy storage, or electricity brokerage.

Just this last quarter, the shorts lost a billion $ on TSLA.

Yes I think they will face more competition especially from lower priced competitors and there will be many more in the next few years. You left out Hyundai and Kia , I would be cautiously more optimistic with Tesla, they still have a very strong brand but there are people that simply cannot afford them and will buy from the competition.