(as though that should be a reason to displace our own national identity and culture).

So, does that mean we need to all haul our asses back to Britain, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Italy, or wherever our ancestors might have hailed from? So we don't pollute the culture, heritage, or identity of the indigenous peoples who were here before us.

From California to Texas was part of Mexico, and full of Mexicans before people with less Native American ancestry started moving in to pollute their identity and culture.

Cultural identities come and go. It has been that way since Moses. Since ancient Persia. Since Babylon. Since the Hebrews went to Egypt. Since the Roman Legions. Since the Crusades. And since European Kings began expanding their empires into the Western Hemisphere and into Africa.

Racial profiles of the effected regions change just as rapidly. What are you gonna do? Stop the world and get off?

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.