FWIW….. I a couple of 22wmr rifles that I like very much. They are reliable and accurate. One is my current “patio gun.” However, I have never found a 22wmr pistol that I used very much or even kept. Some 22wmr rifles were not as accurate nor as “functional” as I would like.

However, I found two keepers in 5.7x28….. one is a cmmg banshee pistol with a suppressor on it. Quiet, reasonably accurate, lightweight and utterly reliable. Pretty good truck/atv companion. Can ride under a towel or jacket on the seat beside me. One time I sat on my Polaris Ranger while talking at length with my Biden voting liberal animal loving neighbors…..had it under a towel on the seat. They never paid any attention to it….. Good.

The second is a DB 5.7 pistol. I really like it….. very reliable and very accurate for a “pistol.” I can fold it and it fits nicely in my soft sided briefcase. No one has ever asked about it…..has a holosun green dot on it. Carry the briefcase pretty much anywhere I care to. Could put it one of those little hydration back packs and bring into the grocery store if saw the need.

Both of these are not as quick to deploy as a pistol, but they both are better for me at anything over 15 yards.

I have not found any sort of 22wmr that is more convenient. These little pistols are also much lighter weight than any 9mm counterpart.

Yet, YMMV……

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”