If youre gonna cultivate illegal pot,

1. Don’t get hoggish. Big plots attract all types of attention. Trails to and from, plant care.
Smell..I can smell pot 1/4 mile away and i’m not a dog.
Also the deal of growing a large patch in corn or amongst other cover plants. A trained eye can pick out the color
Additionally remote sensing programs that I used to work with in geospatial, you could extract unique spectral signature frequencies. It would be dependent upon the ground cell resolution of your scanner.

2. Do it right smack dab in front of mfer’s faces. 2 or three indicas in a 60 ft row of okra, 1 or 2 in Nana’s butterfly garden
One next to a guy wire or telephone pole where county mowers cannot mow. 2 or 3 or more in junkyards, salvage yards, surrounding features overwhelming descernment of the brain and visual senses.