Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
Originally Posted by Theoldpinecricker
Guess I'm the worst because I've never understood why a person should tip or be compelled to tip for an agreed service. If an person wants to than go for it but I don't understand and never will. Tip the dentist? The doctor? Your unity company? How bout your mechanic or the cashier ringing up the groceries? Where does it end.

Do you get tipped for work you do for every client? Why is it in the guided hunting industry are tips looked upon as an mandatory transaction?

Enough of my spew.

I agree.
Starting with the definition of a tip as something extra big in for exceptional service.

Daughter was a waitress in high school.
I was floored by how much money she was making for a few hours work.
Tipping has become a cross between virtue signalling and a braggy, dick measuring contest.

I waited tables through schoolso my thinking may be a little different. I look at a tip as just commission pay, person provides service and customer gets to decide what it’s worth and pay directly. Bad service bad pay,good service good pay. Most jobs that get tips have that factored into what the employee it is paying which is greatly reduced than If it wasn’t customary to pay tips.