ATV's and UTV's bother me a whole lot less than bicycles, scooters and particularly those Amish with their horse buggies. The ATV's are usually going at a decent rate of speed down a back road at least and most often stay over toward or on the shoulders if they can. Not the case with those pokey buggies and often the bicycles too. Been more than once I've come around a curve and damn near rear ended a buggy and had to really slam on the brakes or swerve into the other lane to avoid it. I would outlaw those fuggin buggies in a heartbeat if it were up to me. Those Amish need to get with the program and buy cars or stay the fuuck home. It's particularly irritating because many use tractors and skid steers on their farms and will accept a ride in a car but insist on driving those damned buggies to town.