Hatari: You would have thought the greedy perverts running the catholic church nowadays would have learned from their importation and assistance to the cuban marielitos when castro cleaned out his prisons and sent them (sicked them on!) to America!
Many tens of thousands of criminals were aided by the catholics in "coming to America" back around 1980!
The horrors those criminals laid upon American society and Americans was astronomical - both in blood and in treasure.
One "county jail" in Florida averaged 400 (four hundred!) "marielitos" in their jail every day for years!
Eventually many of the marielitos found their way into state and federal prisons.
They spread across America (with the aid of the catholics!) like a cancerous plague - causing crime, grief and expense everywhere they infested.
In one year the catholics transported 2,000 of those cuban (and a few Haitian!) criminal cretins to Seattle/Washington state.
Yeah its been 42+ years since the marielito debacle by the catholics - lots of people have forgotten about that I guess.
Sad misguided perverts!
Hold into the wind