Officially at the airport station in town, 37F. Dew point got down to 28F at times, hovered around freezing for a few hours.

On the table on our back deck, where the sending unit is sitting about 4' off ground level and close to the house: 38F

Here's the kicker though. I went out to feed the chickens, noticed one of the waterers was empty and as it's supposed to go to 90F today figured I better fill it for the day. Went and turned on the hose that goes to the compost piles, which has a shut off valve on the end. Get the waterer, go over to the hose, turn the shut off, just a little stream of water coming out? Waited to see if the hose cleared any air that might have gotten in it. Nope, no hissing of air, just a tine spritzer of water. Let it run for a few minutes and it started slowly increasing in flow.

Damn hose had ice in it, on Aug 11. It runs across the lowest, therefor coldest, spot in the yard, where cold air coming off the ridge behind us settles.

I checked that garden beds, a foot and a half higher in elevation than the low spot, and even the tomatoes and peppers looked OK. The hoops are up over the bed with those in it, I've got more hoops in the shed to go over that tater bed, and the greenhouse plastic will be going up this evening.

Frozen hose before mid August. That's only about 2 months since our last frost.

Any of you folks up north get cold this morning?

The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men.
In it is contentment
In it is death and all you seek
(Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)

member of the cabal of dysfunctional squirrels?