Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by AB2506
Hey, if you guys know how to get another government in power up here, have at it.

Right, you’re stuck with Biden.

Makes us about equal, we’re both governed by idiots who kowtow to the WEF and the UN.

WTF do you even have "provincial" govts for then??

Top of the morning to you my cyber friend, I hope that despite the Medicine Hat parts run issue that you and your wonderful family are well.

Regarding your post and a few of the responses, I've started to reply a couple times, thought better of it and then even slept on it. Despite my better judgement then Jim, I'll attempt a reply.

Like your state governments, our provincial governments do not have anything whatsoever to do with maintaining commerce or traffic flow in and out of international border crossings.

In a lifetime of travelling in the western states, I've never ever had a negative interaction with any state, regional or city LEO. I cannot however say that of your Federal LEO - Homeland Security in particular seem to recruit cranky pants types - but that's their call.

When I've chatted with folks from rural Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas, they expressed similar frustration to us in western Canada in that because our populations are relatively small, we don't get much say in who gets elected federally. Thus our lives are run by folks who not only have never been out here, but do not care one iota if we dry up and blow away in a stiff wind.

I've said this previously and like as not will type something awfully familiar in the future, but Crown Prince Shiny Pony and the reason he stays in power Evil Minion #1 Jagmeet Singh show through their actions that they're not interested in a healthy Canada or healthy Canadians regardless of where we live. They are very much pushing the Global Green agenda which will have the greatest impact on western and Newfoundland energy industries, as well as recently adding Canadian agriculture to the hit list.

Apparently they do want to starve in the dark, while freezing - despite that being a bit of an odd life goal.

There are many of us who are doing our level best to change the situation, but honestly as long as Mr. Singh continues to agree to prop up Prince Sock's regime, we're in a holding pattern until the next election. It remains to be seen what's left by that time and what the election results are. There is a growing western separatist movement which I do not believe the central Laurentian elite are taking seriously, but perhaps they should.

I'm going to spend the day attempting to get through to New Brunswick to get permits to transfer all the handguns I'm able to our eldest daughter as the feds have now banned them too, so no, I'm not in a fantastic frame of mind for that reason as well.

With all my heart I wish I could give all of the stateside 'Fire members a better and more positive report Jim, but that's how I see it this morning.

All the best to you all down in your section of Montana regardless Jim. I hope the fall weather behaves for your harvest.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"