“I have come to realize something very important. I will share this in the form of an analogy for those of you that are smart enough to get it good for you.
The Mar A Lago Douche Bag and his lies stinks like a rotting dear carcass on the side of the road. As you all know dead stuff attracts fly and other insects.
RThe flies lay their eggs on the dead stinking carcass. Later maggots hatch and consume the carcass. Well I see you all as the flies come to feast on the rotting stinking lies of the Mar A Lago Douche Bag. Then you go out into the world finding other dead minds to lay the Mar A Lago Douche Bag (Lies) maggots in.

You are flies come to feast on the s h i t of the Mar A Lago Douche Bag.”

Yet Hillary and the DNC fabricated and pushed the lie Trump was in cahoots with Russia. MOST the news organizations pushed the lie, most knowing it was a lie. When it was proven to b a lie, none acknowledged their part in pushing it, they just moved on to accuse him of being a huge liar in every other conceivable way. They are now touting Liz as being a person of integrity, even thoe she grew her personable wealth 600% in th two years she served. The majority of politicians are crooked, Republicans and Democrats, the honest ones get lynched by all.