Originally Posted by mainer_in_ak
I burn solely wood as my primary heat source. September to middle of May.

That level of hard cold, unassisted by heating fuel or natural gas, makes this Suburbia, hobby stuff yall talking about, seem like childs-play.

Many others up here in interior Alaska burn solely wood. It like having a second fkn job. Come 20-50 below zero for months, you're married to that stove.

We don't get/stay quite that cold for as long but still burn about 6-7 cords here in the Virginia Appalachians.Oct-April.
100% wood heat
All seasoned hardwood-oak, locust, hickory and little cherry.

As I approach 60 I can see this as being unsustainable for much longer and also cannot see where buying firewood would be a wise choice.
Just my .02