Ran an asphalt/concrete crew for a bit. When I inherited the crew they were always late.

Some guys would show up late, hang around the vehicle changing clothes then come dragging ass to where we were stockpiled. I would start their time when they got to where we were loading trucks, getting traffic control loaded and so on. Man they would raise hell. I told em I started time when they were working, not when they pulled up.

Ended up getting the owner to agree to a 3x and you're fired policy. Only had to use it 2x.

My pard is always late and usually just a few minutes.

Fuuugger will be late to his own funeral.

Wife....same way. I just tell her that we need to be ready 15-20 minutes before we really need to be, that helps some.

Last edited by 10gaugemag; 09/03/22.

The last time that bear ate a lawyer he had the runs for 33 days!