I just got a request from an organization I'd never heard of to sign a candidate pledge regarding protecting Montana's hunting and fishing. They claim to be bipartisan.

At first, I was ready to sign, until I read through their website, saw who backed them and read some of their quotes. It really looked to me like it was yet another front group for Democrats, so this is how I responded to them.

If anyone knows more about this group (https://www.montanapublictrustcoalition.com/) I'd be happy to hear, and if I'm wrong about my suspicions I'll gladly sign on to their pledge. As it is, though, it looks like a thinly veiled proxy of BHA.

"While I strongly support the basic premise of your organization, I'm troubled by the affiliations of those you list as supporters. The organizations and individuals are mostly connected to Democrats and the quotes you have on your website from individuals are very indicative of an underlying political agenda.

For example: "Time to restore control of FWP to competent professionals and out of the hands of right wing politicians in the State legislature. Don’t trust Gianforte either."

This, plus the fact that the backers of your organization are affiliated with Democratic operative groups like BHA and Montana Sportsmen Alliance, indicate to me that while a few token Republicans (who seem to trend towards supporting Democrats) may be part of your Coalition, it actually is a Democrat, rather than bipartisan, organization.

As such, while I certainly support the goal of protecting public lands and the environment, and if elected, I will vote accordingly, I can not sign on to support your pledge unless I see evidence that the organization is in reality bipartisan."

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.