A pre 64 model is worth about twice what later models made in the say the 80's or 90's. Some, like me, have a soft spot for the New Haven guns made during the 80's because thats when I was in middle and high school and really got into hunting and guns and thats what we remember fondling at the local gun store. Jump way ahead to the current rifles being made by Miroku and thats a whole other price bracket. They are exceptionally well made and many believe they are the most detailed and accurate 94's ever built. As for what to look for in a 3 day inspection? If allowed safely load the rifle with 3-5 rounds and work the action. Does it feed and eject ok? Inspect the bore for pits and make sure the sights are not cantered. Any non factory holes drilled in the receiver? Depending on the year of manufacture there could be two peep sight holes drilled on the top left of the receiver as well as scope base holes on top of the receiver. Other than that how does the fit and finish look where wood meets metal?