Think about it, not only does a "fully finished" bird from a processor not have feathered wing or foot still attached but it also has the blood and internal organs removed as well as being nicely wrapped and probably frozen. Requiring the bird to be fully processed leaves out the subjective measurement of how well cleaned a bird is, especially in individual border agents. Without an objective measurement a militant vegan agent could determine none of a person's birds met import requirements while another agent checking the next vehicle allows whole, unfrozen and uncleaned birds through the entry portal.

As I mentioned earlier, this has happened before regarding game birds. It has also happened around the same time regarding beef during another mad cow disease outbreak in Canada. There was also a requirement of rabies vaccination of one's dog going to and from Canada. The certificate had to be dated within two weeks of crossing the border. Both ways. That made it tricky for some to bring their dog home.

If I thought about it some more I could probably remember other instances of poorly thought out requirements of this type. I tend to believe things like this are more often the result of incompetence rather than malice. Especially, when government digs in its heels as incompetents are not smart enough to fold in their hand but double down when put under the spotlight. Those with malice slink off to try again or in a different manner as they do not want to be noticed.