Originally Posted by earlybrd
Saw the rear tire run over it was in bail out position after I saw the swarm been diverting around it paper nest on the ground I’ve had 50/50 success with night time napalm runs on yellow jackets how would you proceed?

That could be sketchy. Does it seem to have a single entrance/exit hole? If so, the foaming spray stuff should be fine. If there are multiple entrances / exits, it could get sketchy. I haven't run into one of THEIR nests in or on the ground, "just" yellowjackets. I don't usually find the hornets to be quite as aggressive until riled but their sting is a lot worse and it doesn't seem to take a whole lot to rile 'em up.

Foaming spray is probably the safe / sane way to go, but there could be other options? smile

1) Tannerite.

2) Dispose of excess 2Fg and cannon fuse?

3) If there's no fire risk, soak an old towel in gas / diesel / kerosene, toss it over the nest, and light it.

4) If there is a fire risk, do almost the same, but after dropping the towel over the nest, put a 5 gallon bucket over that.

5) Maybe fipronyl (??) mixed into some raw meat placed near the hole.

Watch out for secondary / "back door" entrance / exits. I fought a yellowjacket ground nest one year that I couldn't seem to kill. Turns out there was a second hole 15 feet away .. connected. I didn't figure it out 'til a skunk dug out both holes. Lucky I didn't get stung. I hit 4 ground nests in that same 6 acre hay field mowing that year.

Anyone who thinks there's two sides to everything hasn't met a M�bius strip.

Here be dragons ...