This is the "virtue signaling" sign that appears at Martha's Vineyard.This is the home of the most hypocritical Commies in this nation.

[Linked Image from]

On Wednesday, Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent two planes carrying illegal immigrants to the island of Martha’s Vineyard, an exclusive elite liberal community that prides itself on its tolerance and sanctuary status.

Rather than fly the illegals in the dead of night hidden from public view like Joe Biden, Governor DeSantis flew the migrants to the leftist enclave in broad daylight.Democrats were furious that Governor DeSantis would pull off such a “stunt”! How dare he expose the liberal left for their disgusting hypocrisy!

Joe Biden immediately opened the borders after moving into the White House. Over 2 MILLION illegals have walked into the US this fiscal year. Democrats expect the rest of the country to deal with the invasion that they caused!

Buses have arrived in Edgartown to transport migrants from St. Andrew’s Parish House.

There is one big bus and two shorter buses to transport folks off the island. People with bags are taking selfies and hugging volunteers goodbye.

The racist elites kicked them off the island.

According to officials, the illegal immigrants will be transported to Joint Base Cape Cod.

HAPPENING NOW: Migrants, flown into Martha’s Vineyard by Fl’s governor, are boarding buses. They’ll be heading to Joint Base Cape Cod, according to officials. 125 Mass National Guard members are being activated to assist.

Communist Goals

26. Present homosexuality and degeneracy as normal.
27. Discredit the Bible.
28. Eliminate prayer in the schools.