Originally Posted by Oakster
Hello to the 'fire this evening!

On Sunday, I went to the Black Hills in Northeastern Wyoming to look for ruffed grouse. Not sure what I thought would happen but I did not find any. Normally, I see them in the brush along the road, or while walking a ridge (single birds). I wont be able to get a shot in the timber most likely, so I went to an area that was an old burn. There was oak trees about arm pit high, lots of open space, a little down timber, water in the bottom and I suppose it was about 40-60 acres in size. I walked it all around with the dogs and they didnt pick up any scent at all that got them going. I am an old guy at 53, but it was the first time going to the hills to chase ruffed or blue grouse.

The question I have.... how do I find the right spots to find ruffed and blue grouse in the Black Hills of Wyoming or the Big Horn Mountains? Where to go for sharptail grouse in the prairie? I find them often while hunting deer, but its by accident and in random spots. Any tips for an old newbie at upland grouse?

Hunt draws with aspen, water, look for food sources ( berries). Drive and hit a lot of areas. Kill a bird. Open up crop and see what they are feeding on and look for that type of forage