Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by BeardedGunsmith
Country has thrown me into a fit of rage for as long as it's existed. I don't understand how people listen to that depressing hillbilly schitt.

You should check out Arlo McKinley. Local boy to you, amazing artist.
I'm not trying to be mean or hate on anyone's choice of music btw. I just really can't stand it. My dad hated it all his life and I think it rubbed off on me because it literally throws me into a fit of rage if it comes on unexpectedly. I was a mechanic in my younger days and nothing would ruin my day faster than hopping in a customers car, turning the key and hearing that yodeling hillbilly schitt on the radio. I actually worked with another guy at one shop that would get so pissed off when that would happen to him that he would punch the radio as a reflex.