Originally Posted by MPat70
But but, I thought "whiteness" is the #1 cause of death and destruction in the US? I'm so confused as to why the White's are killing so many people in New Orleans, Chicago, Baltimore, LA, Memphis, St Louis, etc.... For the love of Pete, when will the White's stop all the bloodshed and learn to live as peaceful, respectful and virtuous as our black brethren?

You're missing the point maybe..........Whites are the REASON the trigger gets pulled. Not actually PULLING the trigger. (tongue firmly planted in cheek)

See, it's all about the excuses not the actions.
I live right between NOLA and Baton Rouge. I've watched the last ten years both of these cities go to Schite.

Everyone screams "social justice" while not being responsible to the society they want the justice from.

I ready to support fencing both cities in, leave glocks and ammo on every corner, move the law out and let them have a purging.