Buddy and his brother worked for a dude doing remodels.

They got to keep good stuff instead of just trashing it. Usable windows, doors, and such

Buddy's brother took home 3 terlets, had them sitting up against a retaining wall.

Buddy and I go out and get hammered one night, get back to his place, smokin' a cig or something else perhaps.

All of a sudden the urge hits, I see those johns over there and go leave a big steamer in one.

Buddy starts cracking up. What's up I say.

"My little bro is taking them to the swap meet tomorrow" shocked

Next day, little bro comes back from the swap meet, minus the toilets. Buddy asks if the buyer looked in them. Brother says he looked in two and said he'd take the lot.

Someone brought a toilet full of schiedt home that day!

The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men.
In it is contentment
In it is death and all you seek
(Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)

member of the cabal of dysfunctional squirrels?