Nice find.

I would say I'm snooty cause the walmart gets delivered but that's all Mrs. Geno.

I only go the walmarks nowadays when nothing else is open and I do go to the stores I want something from (very rarely have anything shipped or delivered).

The thrift store is the place for big ticket items but you have to be real patient or make friends with the workers there to let you know when a snooty old professional dies and his kids didn't want any of their stuff. Took about a year to furnish the bachelor pad a few blocks from work when the first wife left (a 6 place formal dining set I got from there was very nice and made by sears if that tells you how old it was).

Back when the southside of Birmingham was still cool and not invaded by all the meth heads. My office was 2 blocks from 5 points and the apartment (1/2 of a massive old three story house) was about 6.

I walked everywhere. Life as it should be. Everything's too spread out now and my parts are too high mileage for all that walking although I am improving, albeit slowly.

A person who's happy will make others happy. Anne Frank