About fifteen years ago, we had a dog get inside our fence at work. It was a big burly rottweiler. I had two helpers. We could not catch the dog, nor could we herd it out the gate.

The plant superintendent encouraged me to shoot it, with the Remington smooth bore 22 we keep on sight for pigeon control. LOL I told him I could run home and get a tool appropriate to the task. He reconsidered and said turn it over to the authorities.

City cops would not respond, as we were outside the city limits at that time.
County would not respond to a "dog at large" call. But they did give me the phone number of the Federal Trapper.

The Trapper arrived on site. He walked around the corner where we had seen the dog last run. We heard his 12 gauge bark once. Problem solved.

Unfortunately, it turned out the dog belonged to one of our coworkers who lived at the other end of town. He had loaned the dog out for breeding purposes, and the borrower had let it escape containment.

I was very glad that "the authorities" had handled that one.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.