It WAS a beautiful morning !!!!!

Too warm.............the deer hunting has sucked. So I decided to scrap that for the day and go shoot a turkey. Couldn't get my brother to go. So I went it alone. Knew the birds would be somewhere on our one high ridge or thereabouts. Just not sure which end. Got to a good listening spot pre-daylight and ends up the birds were about 100 yards to my right............ right below me through wide open timber. I was NOT in a good place. But I started talking to them with the tube call. In the woods, the yelp sounds like a turkey in a culvert pipe. But the kee-kee is just pretty darned impressive. About 10 minutes later I hear a cluck below me....... to my left. I'm in a crap spot to be set up. But there was a flock coming from there. So I yelped a few times and kee-kee'd. I could see 10 or a dozen of them coming around the bottom of the slope. But one or more was drifting uphill toward me. I kee-kee'd again and got the gun ready. One hen popped up in front of a maple down below me. But there were a couple small saplings in the way. Waited til she took a step and lowered the boom on her. Pretty much the end of the quick story.

Wollen nicht krank dein feind. Planen es.