Originally Posted by Slavek
Thanks for bringing this product to life, the elderly need our respect and support. I am glad S&W through innovation is serving this important segment of population

If you actually shot any real guns, you might know what a stupid comment that is.

The EZ has what may be the best non-1911 trigger to come in any modern pistol, and that's possible because of the hammer and grip safety. But that grip safety is actually a liability to elderly people with weak or disfigured hands. The EZ line is easier to shoot accurately than a lot of compact striker fired pistols - when the grip safety actually allows it to fire. If S&W was really looking out for the elderly with this design, they would put the same grip safety that's on the Performance Center version on all of the EZ pistols.

I had one. Got rid of it because my hand wouldn't deactivate the grip safety reliably and it wasn'tMRDS ready anyway. So they've fixed one disadvantage but apparently not it's worst fault.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.