Originally Posted by MarkWV
There were 2 rats in that race……..

“The fact-checking website Politifact noted that Oz co-wrote several columns over the years in support of gun restrictions. In a 2014 column titled “Why gun violence is a public health issue,” they wrote that “until the government embraces gun-safety measures — polls show that 79% of the population favors universal background checks for gun buyers — it's every doctor's responsibility to their patients and your responsibility to yourself and your family to reduce gun violence."

A 2019 column titled “taking a shot at a better world,” meanwhile, argued that the country should reinstitute the 1994 ban on assault rifles.

Politifact noted that Oz has since distanced himself from the columns. While his co-author, Dr. Michael Roizen, said he believes he wrote all the columns that support gun control himself, Oz never expressed any objection to him about the columns.

At a town hall this year, Oz also spoke favorably about red flag laws.

Invoking his sister's own mental health issues -- he mentioned she has borderline personality disorder that posedsa danger to herself and others, and said therefore he does not want her to have a gun -- Oz said he supports systems in which a "local enforcement officer" can, "in a very expedited fashion," determine if someone is dangerous.

“Our reflex response is that people who have mental health issues should never have had a gun," Oz told an audience member at the town hall.”

I question who the biggest rat was.

I wonder if he put his PA house up for sale yet?

Originally Posted by jorgeI
...Actually Sycamore, you are sort of right....