I have had Jess, Wayne, and Danny do rebore jobs for me. I believe Danny is retiring and just finishing up jobs in shop. Leave detailed message for Jess he will call back within 24 hours or so. Send barreled action and check in box will be rebored and back to you in about 2 weeks from day you shipped. Jess only dos reboring you could ask about other services. But reboring is his deal. Fastest and cheapest. I have had Wayne do rebore and bought one of his stocks and was very pleased with work. Wayne laps barrel after reboring.
Jess and Wayne did very nice job of marking new caliber on barrel. Was very disappointed in Dannys marking style. Effective but looked like hell Took endmill cut flat where old Cal marking was stamped new number. It jumps right out at Ya. I should have asked specifically how he did it. His idea and my idea of what looked good two different ideas. All 3 smiths rebore jobs shot well. Wayne dos does not do 9.3 rebore. reboring a good way to go in some cases. You must be aware as you increase caliber diameter feeding can become an issue. in some guns everyone is a little different. try feeding new caliber before reboring to avoid surprise. it won't chamber. But you can tell what kind of feeding problems are coming. your way. All rifles I had done shot better than original caliber after reboring.
Pitfalls. Caliber marking clean look? ASK, Feeding, rail ramp work? Machine marks in bore after machine work fowling? All of these things can be problem with any new barrel. and can be easily worked though.
Positives. New bore on rifle, cut rifling, stock fit rifle just like it always has. be about half of new barrel cost. Possibly no cost of bluewing.