
I don't know that anyone is buying coyote hides from southern coyotes now. The fur market is in the tank and until Russia and China become free markets for our furs again, I don't see much change coming.
A fur buyer I know told me last week that he would give me $5.00 for a big prime dog from around here and he's not a cheat or a cheapskate. He's in it for the long haul and really values his reputation. The market is just that bad right now.

It's a shame because I've been finding some really nice thick fur on most of the dogs. If the old timers are right, it's going to get really cold this winter 'cause every mammal around here has put on a thick coat this year.
I haven't run across any mountain lions down here on the plains yet this fall so I can't speak to them, but coyotes, badgers, fox, and bobcats have their long-johns on.


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