In my 20s it seems like I could sleep in a muddy ditch in the rain. Now in my 60s, I have to have comforts……chair, TWO pillows, thick mattress, etc. I own a Zpack backpack and every time I go out for a night in the woods with it, I feel like I’ve compromised my comfort and dont sleep well. I like my Kifaru packs, and the Kutthroat is my current go to. I get it packed to about 35lbs most times, and take off for one to two nights. I am mostly not hunting in this scenario, just decompressing and getting the dog out (who carries her own pack). Every thing in the pack has been optimized for lightweight concerns, and titanium and cuben fiber features prominently in my gear as I’m currently using a MLD Duomid as my tent, but the support and space in my K pack keeps me coming back