Originally Posted by 79S
Originally Posted by Swamplord
The Wasilla WalMart ain't that bad once you get past the Methican Americans and the wierdos from Knik Goose Bay Rd, at least they are white .... Hardly ever see a kneegoer & maybe a few alley oops & skeemos here n there

the Fairbanks Wally is an entirely different world ! Was in there last wknd and Holy Fk ! I haven't seen that many kneegoers in one place at the same time since the Northway Mall in Anc back in the day

The rest of the crowd was either some sort of Asian or Indiginass halfagascan or skeemo, a few crackers here n there but they looked kinda fu cky

Uh oh round 2 coming, Douginalaska…. I notice you keep leaving your big lake peeps out of this.. oh wait they just ride the frozen rivers breaking into cabins, stealing catalytic converters from parked trucks on the parks hwy my bad.. lol

Haaaaahahah you should see the siding on their houses, about the same as Butte , lol ! Big Lake, Butte, KGB Rd Methicans = same/same

"The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants".