Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
Originally Posted by boatboy
I agree with the previous that many boats had held their value
Mainly the ones that people want to buy today

There are some other boats that have not because the trend is away from what they have
But solid fish boat with 4 strokes are a winner when it comes to resale

Calvin that is a beauty we are starting to see some of those around here I fished off one this summer really awesome boat


There are a lot of components that make one brand more desirable than others. Some brands have transom problems, some have bad welds, some have poorly sealed rivets, etc. I would also research how a dealer rigs a boat. A hot boat can cause all sorts of problems too.

By hot boat, do you mean one that's not properly grounded and suffers from electrolysis?

Yes. I had a poorly grounded aluminum boat that would have had problems if it weren’t for me noticing the zincs were corroding fast (according to the dealer when I asked WTF).

People say it actually repels fish as well.

Just what every fisherman needs, a boat that repels fish, right? lol

You must have been quite upset!