Originally Posted by OMCHamlin
Originally Posted by Kodiakisland
Read the book years ago when it came out. Loved the fact it addressed the racial issues. In the Northeast and West coast. Yeah, the audacity to tell it like it is and it wasn't just the South like the pretty pictures many like to paint. Anyway, good book and hoping the movie is good too.

Our flight club had a private showing last night, but of course I was stuck at work.

Same author wrote A Higher Call and Spearhead if you're looking for some good WWII reads.

Yeah, we can't talk about race enough.

Well, yeah, I guess you didn't read that closely. The usual narrative is the South is racist and everyone else is enlightened. The book addressed how racist the Northeast and West coast were. Something you rarely ever hear, even though they were just as racist as the South. But OK, lets just leave the narrative being the South if that makes you happy.

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