Doxies are notoriously hard to house-break. Chako would go sneak pee/mark inside until he was 2. Snip/Snip fixed that.

On a recent trip to Wisconsin, he absolutely would not use the pet areas in the airports. Ears back, tail between the legs, backing off. Uh-uh- no way was he getting blamed for that! He held it for over 20 hours until we found a grassy place we could pull over outside Minneapolis.

12-14 hours on the way back.

I think he's got it! A few minutes ago he came down from upstairs where my wife and a guest were working, and yipped at me to be let out. He often comes to me for that in preference to my wife. Boys who pee together outside...... smile

Good boy!

Last edited by las; 11/24/22.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.