Originally Posted by Verylargeboots
Get you some mayo (not light), low fat buttermilk or whole fat regular milk, some sour cream or plain Greek yogurt, a block of blue cheese, some lemon juice, and some salt.

Combine ingredients until a desired consistency is achieved. Or, follow this recipe:

1 cup mayonnaise
3/4 cup low fat buttermilk
1/2 cup sour cream
4 oz blue cheese crumbled
3 garlic cloves pressed
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1/4-1/2 tsp salt

I don't use the garlic or black pepper when I make it, I don't think it needs it. I also use more blue cheese crumbles since I like it chunky. Some folks run it through a mixer on high for a while to give it a good, creamy consistency.

Love me some blue cheese.

This is virtually identical to the one we use. I would recommend using Maytag Blue Cheese, which as you probably know is an Iowa product.

Know fat, know flavor. No fat, no flavor.

I tried going vegan, but then realized it was a big missed steak.