Damn! She called the horse a retard. What a shame.

Any horse which will balk behind a vehicle, to the point that it's hooves or hocks bleed is too retarded to live and should be put down. It will never be worth a schitt for anything.

I have drug stubborn colts from the saddlehorn in order to break them to lead. But no, I did not allow them to injure their self.

I had one stuborn filly refuse to yield for almost two miles. She would lock her legs and slide until she fell down. When she stood again, she would just balk again.

I should have shot her that day. It would have saved much aggravation over the next couple years. But I had high hopes as she was from the best mare I ever owned.

But yes, this gal was an absolute idiot for filming and releasing that which could be interpreted as abuse.

Nobody has considered that perhaps the little gal was making one last ditch effort to keep the horse from the abattoir.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.